OCIE(TM) vs. Paper

Paper costs are skyrocketing due to environmental concerns from both sides (i.e., landfill problems and the "save a tree" philosophy).

Knowing that your firm has invested heavily into networking technology, ask yourself:

"with all this computer hardware,
why are we burdening ourselves with all the inherent costs of paper?"

To examine the impact of OCIE, consider the "life cycle" of each sheet of paper which would be eliminated by OCIE:

Now that the paper reports are available to the user:

With OCIE, a user's interaction with reports becomes paperless (unless they choose to print specific information for a customer). No more handling, filing, discarding, etc. of printed reports. No more waste!

What about when there is a need to look up some information:

With OCIE, the labor involved in getting report information gets reduced to seconds and call backs to customers and their related charges become drastically reduced!